Wednesday 23 January 2013

Newsletter January 2013

Dear Beekeeper
At the time of writing, damp, cloudy weather is dominant, but cold is on the way! My bees are flying on most days. Their food intake increases when the weather is warm enough for cleansing flights, so check stores. Fondant can be fed if a hive feels light, but once started, has to continue.
Wrap the fondant in clingfilm, slitting the plastic and placing it on the brood frames. [This now seems to be the advice rather than over the feed hole in the crownboard.]

Our next meeting is the AGM, important for our future.
Our membership runs from end of January to the following January. The cost is the same as last year, very good value. 
* For £23, you will get a monthly newsletter, meetings and support, access to basic equipment, BBKA News delivered to your door every month, Bee Disease Insurance for 3 hives, a library, excellent refreshments and a good raffle to boost our funds.
* If you pay by bank transfer, let Len know you have done this. He will still need the form, by email to him or printed.

Our hive loan scheme and hive adoption is also available to beginners. We will have 4 National hives to be borrowed to give an inexpensive start to a beekeeping life.

Please pay at the AGM, or the February meeting at the latest.
A couple need only pay one sub; Associate membership is useful for beginners or those with no bees.

In addition, consider if your apiary could host a summer meeting. July and August this year.
Do you want to be on the swarm collecting list?

All the association offices will be up for election again at the AGM.  It is important that we broaden the pool of members willing to take on responsibilities, so please do not be shy about standing, your contribution is needed, a chance to voice your views about any aspects of DDBKA.

NB Only Registered members can hold offices, but a beekeeper registering on 26th January would certainly be eligible. Please check in advance whether your nominee is willing to stand.
Each nominee needs a proposer and seconder.

You are at liberty to nominate yourself if you wish to take a role, but need proposer and seconder.
Associate members may nominate and vote.
Please phone, post or email nominations to me before the AGM. I shall need to prepare ballot papers in the case of any contested elections.
Current holder
Brian Marlow
Does not wish to stand
Vice Chair
Richard Baker
Does not wish to stand
Maggie Harrowell

Membership Secretary
Maggie Harrowell

Len Mole

Show Secretary
Chris Holdstock

Examinations  Secretary
Jan Cross
Does not wish to stand
Training Secretary
Mary Hill


 Basic Exam
Anyone wishing to take the Basic Assessment this year who is not on Mary's course starting in January, should forward an application form together with the appropriate fee to:
Exam Secretary Jan Cross at St Margarets Farm, Napchester Road, Whitfield, CT15 5HD
The form and fee must arrive no later than 13th February.
We hope to arrange for the assessments to take place in May and the majority of people should be assessed at the DDBKA apiary at Eythorne.       
Look on our COURSES PAGE for spring courses locally, Patrick Murfet has different levels of involvement to choose from, all at Bridge and Julian Audsley in Barham.

Library  Return your books this month.

I hope you have looked on the website for Alan Byham’s SE honey survey. Gabrielle has now added his NBU SE Region Annual Report 2012, it makes interesting reading for such a difficult year.

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